22184 Highway 299E, Bella Vista, CA 96008
This property consists of an approximately 1800 sq.ft restaurant building, ...
This property consists of an approximately 1800 sq.ft restaurant building, currently not operating. One 3 bedroom 2 bath house with attached 2 car garage, having approx. 1100 sq.ft currently rented for $1800 per month, plus one 2 bedroom 1 bath house of approx. 1200 sq.ft rented for $ 920 per month and a 1 bedroom 1 bath separate apartment of approx. 600 sq.ft rented for $550 per month on 8 acres of land.
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MLS ID:24-4876
Listing Type:Comm/Industrial
Property Type:C
  • Area: 06 - Bella Vista