8778 Placer Rd, Redding, CA 96001
8778 Placer Rd
Redding, CA 96001

8778 Placer Rd Redding, CA 96001
Here is your chance to own the Centerville Feed & General Store property that was a local favorite for many years. Zoned Mixed-Use this property has a lot of potential. Pending approval of a lot line adjustment, this property is 4.66 acres with the neighboring parcel of 2.22 acres also for sale separately. There are multiple buildings associated with the former store as well as a large metal hay storage building. With great Placer Rd frontage and utilities in place this is a great opportunity to bring your vision to this area. Inside the store area is currently empty.
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Listing TypeComm/Industrial
Area04 - SW Redding
MLS Listing ID24-2256
Published Date5/21/2024 6:58:00 PM 297 days ago
Listing Modified10/14/2024 9:57:00 AM 151 days ago

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